Principal’s Message

Message from the Principal:

At Overbrook Elementary School, we put children first as we work to create a motivating and challenging learning environment. Mastery of basic academic and thinking skills, hands-on learning, enrichment activities and remedial assistance are characteristic of the teaching at Overbrook Elementary.  Project based learning and technology education are also part of our program.  Our instructional staff includes a principal, eleven classroom teachers, a school-based teacher leader, special education teachers, speech and language teacher, psychologist, local college art program, mentor program, music instructor, and a technology teacher.  It is with great privilege to be the principal here at Overbrook Elementary School and with great pride that I strive to move instruction of your children.  We invite parents, friends, and the community to serve as partners at Overbrook Elementary and encourage them to become active participants in creating academic and social success for all our students and continue our ongoing commitment of being a “superior” school!

Dr. Kenneth K. Glover